Saturday, March 26, 2011

Vitamin A

Vitamin A
A pale-yellow alcohol, soluble in fat but not in water.
In pure form, it is readily destroyed by oxidation and
light, which may cause losses during storage.
Source. Vitamin A is found in all animal tissues,
although it is particularly concentrated in the liver.
There are two different dietary sources for the vitamin:
animal sources which contain vitamin A itself,
mostly in the formof retinyl esters, and plant sources
which contain carotenoids that are converted to
vitamin A in animal tissues such as the absorptive
cells in the intestine. The most vitamin A–enriched
animal food source is fish liver oil. Plant carotenoids
are found in green and yellow fruits and vegetables
such as carrots, apricots, asparagus, broccoli, and
green leafy vegetables. Some fresh-water fish contain
vitamin A2, which differs slightly from vitamin A in

Bioassay. The vitamin A activity of carotenoids
varies with their chemical structure, with β-carotene
being the most potent. One international unit (IU)
of vitamin A has been set at 0. 3 microgram of vitamin
A or 0. 6 μg of β-carotene. This is somewhat
confusing since the efficiency of conversion of
β-carotene to vitamin A becomes greater in a deficiency
state. Although biological assays are sometimes
used, vitamin A and carotene are usually determined
by spectrophotometric techniques.

Physiological activities. In vitamin A deficiency,
the epithelial tissues of many organs are affected.
Growth failure occurs, and young animals can
suffer from neurological symptoms resulting from
pressures on the central nervous system. Changes
occur in the skin, mouth, respiratory tract, urogenital
tract, and some glands. Vitamin A deficiency is also
strongly associated with depressed immune function
and higher morbidity and mortality due to infectious
diseases such as diarrhea, measles, and respiratory
infections. A severe manifestation of vitamin A deficiency
is night blindness and inflammation of the
eyes (xerophthalmia), followed by irreversible blindness.
The symptoms seen in vitamin A deficiency
reflect the multiple roles of this compound in animals.
These roles are fulfilled by two compounds
that are synthesized from vitamin A in the body: vitamin
A aldehyde (retinaldehyde), which is critical
for vision, and vitamin A acid (retinoic acid), which
controls many physiological functions in both the
embryo and the adult. The similar chemical structures
of vitamin A, retinaldehyde, and retinoic acid
are shown at right.

Retinaldehyde. Retinaldehyde has a critical role in
sight. This compound binds to a protein termed
opsin to generate the visual pigment rhodopsin in
the retina. Rhodopsin is the “visual antenna” that
responds to light by sending signals to the brain.
Following absorption of light, rhodopsin releases
the bound vitamin A compound. Resynthesis of
rhodopsin by providing fresh molecules of retinaldehyde
is therefore essential for normal vision.

Retinoic acid. Retinoic acid is the active vitamin A
metabolite that is critical for many processes, such as
cell growth and differentiation, in the embryo and in
the adult. Retinoic acid exerts its effects by modulating
the expression of many genes. This activity is due
to the ability of the compound to control the activities
of proteins known as retinoid nuclear receptors.
When activated by retinoic acid, these proteins bind
to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and regulate gene
transcription. Retinoic acid is currently used in treatment
of various pathologies such as skin disorders
Vitamin A: all-trans -retinol
11-cis -Retinaldehyde
All-trans -retinoic acid
9-cis -Retinoic acid
and certain types of cancer. See DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Anti-Aging Skin Treatments

A big part of that is using what the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) describes as by far the most beneficial, age-busting product available: sunscreen. Without a daily skin regimen that includes copious amounts of sunscreen (SPF 30 or higher) on all sun-exposed skin, no other anti-aging products matter, Neronha said.

While sunscreen prevents damage, other products can fight the wrinkles, sagging and brown spots that aging skin may already have. Some research-proven ingredients to look for include:

Retinol - Skin care professionals consider this form of Vitamin A the gold standard of effective topical treatments. Also available as prescription strength Retin-A, retinol is an ingredient in myriad over-the-counter products. It ramps up cell turnover in the top layers of the skin, decreasing wrinkles and improving skin tone, according to Neronha.

Retinol is the whole vitamin A molecule. In order to be active on skin cells, retinol must be broken down into retinoic acid in order to exert its action. Retinoic acid is also called tretinoin. Tretinoin is the active ingredient in prescription products such as Renova and Retin A.
Collectively, retinol and retinoic acid are referred to as retinoids. Retinoids are used in skin care to help slow down skin aging by increasing the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. They may be used to treat photoaging, acne, pigmentation disorders such as melasma and solar lentigos, as well as rosacea. The result for users is a younger looking, smoother and more luminous skin.
Retinol does need to be available in decent concentrations in order to be effective. If a product doesn’t reveal how much retinol it contains, chances are that it’s negligible and may not deliver any significant benefit to your skin.
Retinol is very light and air sensitive, breaking down down quickly if exposed. When looking for a retinol cream, it’s extremely important to select products with packaging that will maintain the potency of the active ingredient. Jars, tubes and transparent containers are no-nos. Instead, opt for retinol products packaged in opaque, airless pumps. Because the product is protected from air and light, you can be assured that your product is active from the moment it’s opened until it’s finished.

How does Retinol Work?
Retinol breaks down into retinoic acid upon application to skin. Once absorbed, it encourages skin cells to communicate and function normally, a process that is often disrupted during the natural aging process. When skin cells communicate and function correctly, there are several benefits to skin:
· Increase in cell turnover in the top layer of skin (epidermis). The production of new skin cells causes skin to look brighter and smoother
· Stimulation of collagen production which leads to the appearance of smoother and plumper skin
· Reduces pigmentation associated with sun damage
In addition, retinol has been shown to help shrink oil glands which can reduce pore size and diminish scars. It may be helpful in the treatment of acne. Retinol also possesses antioxidant ability to help in the fight against free radicals, which can age skin.

Retinol Benefits
Retinol is an important part of any anti-aging skin care regimen. It offers the following benefits to skin:
· Tighten skin, diminish wrinkles and make your skin feel and look younger.
· Help skin look smoother with a luminescent glow.
· Help pores appear smaller, even out skin tones, and lighten discolorations.
· Cleanse pores and eliminate blemishes.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Best Acne Treatment of the World Revealed - 10 Tips to Get Rid of Acne Forever

Are you in search of the best acne treatment of the world? Do you think it must be some expensive cream? Or you are in search of some miracle drug? You'll be surprised to know that though the best acne treatment of the world has been found so far but neither is it an expensive cream nor a magical drug.
Rather these creams and drugs do not treat the cause of the acne. They are only formulated to treat the symptoms of acne. What more you are ready to face? These creams and drugs even give many side effects. I'm sure you must be aware that just few months back a famous drug has even been withdrawn from the market because of its harmful side effects.
What worse? This drug has already been sold to millions of acne sufferer. After making the sale the company decided to withdraw the particular drug from the market as it has to face thousands of lawsuits. This acne medication caused many serious side effects that include depression, psychosis and miscarriage or other birth effects in the pregnant woman.
You must be still wondering what the best acne treatment is then. The answer is the treatment of hormonal imbalance. This is also one of the explanation that why acne is more common in puberty. Most hormonal changes take place during this phase of life. So the best acne treatment of the world is the one that fights against acne from the inner side.
Here are few simplest tips to help you get started.
  1. Skin blemishes start to appear when dead skin cells and oil clogs the pores. This requires a thorough cleaning of the face. It is good to wash the face with mild soap twice day. It is better to select the product that is non comedogenic.
  2. Prepare a lotion by mixing water in 10 drops of propolis and then apply it on acne affected area.
  3. Gently apply the pulp of tomato on zits. Leave it on face for around half an hour then wash the face with lukewarm water.
  4. Make a paste of sesame seeds and water to fight against acne inflammation.
  5. Apply honey to kill bacteria that are the main cause of blemishes.
  6. Apply Aloe Vera gel to speed up healing process and for reducing swelling and redness
  7. Healthy diet helps to boost the system. Eat plenty of furious and vegetables and take a multivitamin daily. Zinc supplements are also beneficial.
  8. Get enough peaceful sleep. At least sleep for more than 8 hours to prevent hormonal imbalance.
  9. Avoid stress. Engage in some relaxing activity like yoga.
  10. Avoid touching the face often; as our hand is full of germs and bacteria. These germs and bacteria can cause more blemishes.
If you are suffering from acne and do not want to risk your skin by testing over-the-counter acne products, then check- Best Acne Treatment. This site is run by a dermatologist who wants to serve the people to have spotless skin. You can find here Natural Acne Treatment according to your skin type.
Article Source:

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Essential Oils for Skin Care

Skin care products and natural resources are becoming increasingly common in today's society. to promote cosmetics and skin care products advertising organic and natural ingredients change. Other women prefer these natural and organic ingredients and products, we have the negative impact of chemicals in our skin, body and appearance can be seen. Essential oils are the next great natural skin care products. Essential oils are extracts from plants and herbs that contain the scent of wood and features of the plan included in the sample. What skin care products are natural essential oils, fats, no tone, rejuvenate and enhance the natural beauty of the skin. Essential oils can be acne, hair removal will be treated to reduce hyperpigmentation, smooths away wrinkles and signs of aging. Essential oils can be added to creams, lotions, shampoos, creams and carrier oils used on the skin. If you use essential oils on a daily basis can remove eczema, psoriasis, inflammations, infections, acne, eczema, sun, and almost all diseases of skin irritation, and that the problem could be. Here is a list of essential oils for their needs skin care products.
Lavender has created treat the phrase "universal oil" because of his ability, almost all skin problems for all skin types. It is for just about anything, such as healing well, the ability to calm, increase mental energy, mood, etc. have the same skin soothing and healing burns, skin rashes, acne, eczema and psoriasis. In addition, it promotes new cell growth and balance sebum production in skin color.
Tea tree oil, tea tree oil is great because it is a great healing effect, as antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and analgesic. It is therefore surprising abililities to heal, cleanse and relieve irritation, inflammation, skin diseases. "Short-acting and remove acne, blemishes and pimples fast.
Sandalwood, sandalwood oil is a very good moisturizer for dry skin and hair. Sandalwood can remove wrinkles, scars and wrinkles. It also has antibacterial and antifungal properties that cause infections of the skin and can reduce acne.
Lemon oil, lemon and other citrus oils remove quickly ideal for acne clear off excess sebum and oil on the face. It is a great healing and restoration of quality, especially for skin care. Lemon oil can thin the skin, removes dead skin cells. However, this can cause discoloration of the skin under the influence of sunlight, it is necessary to stand in the sun immediately after use lemon oil.